Unduh Aplikasi
Anda dapat mengunduh aplikasi ke perangkat iOS Anda untuk digunakan dalam mode layar penuh dan dengan kinerja yang ditingkatkan.
Tambahkan ke Daftar Bacaan
Tambahkan Bookmark
Tambahkan ke Layar Utama
Klik tombol "Bagikan" pada bilah menu di bawah
Klik "Tambahkan ke Layar Beranda"
Hubungkan Dengan Kami!
Tidak ada pengumuman
Berhasil mendaftar!
1. Nama Pengguna dan kata sandi Anda, disarankan untuk mengambil tangkapan layar untuk catatan Anda.
2. Anda dapat mengakses akun Anda dengan memasukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi.
Kepada pelanggan yang dihargai,
Silakan pilih versi situs web masuk yang Anda sukai.
(Terdapat pembatasan pada versi desktop. Beberapa model mungkin tidak ditampilkan sepenuhnya)
Menebus kode
Kode penukaran akan dikeluarkan melalui acara dari waktu ke waktu. Mohon diperhatikan pengumuman di grup resmi.
Responsible Gaming
You may at your discretion choose to exclude yourself from playing any Games on our Website. You may:
  • Set a limit on the amount you may wager within a specified period of time;
  • Set a limit on the losses you may incur within a period of time;
  • Set a limit on the amount of time you may play within one session;
  • Exclude yourself from playing for a definite or indefinite period.
In order to impose limits on your gaming you need to send an email to your local customer service at the address provided on https:///www.jw8.com indicating the following particulars "I want to be excluded from https:///www.jw8.com", or alternatively visit https:///www.jw8.com and click on "Responsible Gaming". A self-exclusion will take immediate effect following the receipt of your request by a customer service representative.
If you choose to exclude yourself for an indefinite period your account will be closed and you will be barred from re-registering on our Website.
When setting up your Member Account you may also choose to impose limits on your play. This means that you can only deposit and play with the amount you have pre-set for the next seven-day-period. You are not able to raise your limit during a running week but are able to raise the maximum stake for the following week.
Should you opt for self-exclusion in the manners contemplated above, then you will not be able to reverse this position for at least 7 days, after which you will be able to send an email to the same email address in order to re-activate your access to our Games and re-activate your Member Account.